- Singularity University, Rails Girls and mehackit
- Jeff Morgan on LeanDog, TDD and Agile Development
- G5, Microformats and Rails Girls
- The Future of RVM, RailsInstaller and Rails on Windows
- Evan Light, Triple Dog Dare, Ruby DCamp
- AngelHack, hackathon.io
- AREA 17, Facebook Stories, The Interdisciplinary Approach
- Developer Evangelism at New Relic, Craft, Burritos
- RubyTapas, Ruby Rogues and the Future for Avdi Grimm
- Working with Unix Processes, Testing and Shopify
- Gaslight, QCMerge, Mastering Backbone
- Agile Communication with Angela Harms
- Therapeutic Refactoring
- Vimcasts, Practical Vim and Honing your Craft
- Social Oppression, Ruby and Codes of Conduct
- Bendyworks, Madison Ruby Conference
- Chicks that Rip: Elise Worthy, LivingSocial
- Community at Twilio
- Chicks (and Dudes) that Rip: We Are All Awesome
- Githubris and HTTParty
- Black Girls Code
- Chicks that Rip: Kami Lott, Github Community Manager
- Badgeville
- Sidekiq, The Clymb, Motorcycles
- S02E12: Engine Yard Support
- S02E10: Miso and Padrino
- S02E09: Girl Develop It
- S02E08: Design at Twilio
- S02E04: Hotel Tonight
- Vagrant Up: The Story Behind Vagrant with Mitchell Hashimoto
- S02E02: Jonan Scheffler
- S02E01: Thomas Shafer
- S01E50: Erica Kwan
- S01E49: Chicks That Rip: Elizabeth Naramore
- S01E48: Xavier Shay
- S01E47: Wes Beary
- S01E46: Christopher Bertels
- S01E45: Zach Tellman
- S01E44: Vince Baskerville
- S01E43: Chris Nelson
- S01E42: Konstantin Haase
- S01E41: Nathan Verrill
- S01E40: Gary Bernhardt
- S01E39: Stephen Robinson
- S01E38: Santiago Pastorino (English Version)
- S01E38: Santiago Pastorino (Spanish Version)
- S01E37: Hal Helms
- S01E36: Darcy Laycock
- S01E35: Luis Lavena
- Node.js, Rails & ESPN (feat. Cody Swann)
- S01E33: Arthur Chiu & Nathan Esquenazi
- S01E32: Ian Dees
- S01E31: Shane Becker
- S01E30: David Keener
- S01E29: Anthony Eden
- S01E28: Chris Eppstein
- S01E27: Matt Kern & Michael Taus
- S01E26: Fabio Akita
- S01E25: Wesley Beary (geemus)
- S01E23: Jeremy Hinegardner
- S01E22: Chad Pytel
- S01E21: Ron Evans
- S01E20: Brad Grzesiak
- S01E19: Matt Aimonetti
- S01E18: Tung Nguyen
- S01E17: Josh Knowles
- S01E16: Baq Haidri
- S01E15: Ray Hightower
- S01E14: Kent Langley
- S01E13: Brian Ford & Evan Phoenix
- S01E12: Mike Wolfe
- S01E11: Obie Fernandez
- S01E10: Joe O'Brien
- S01E09: Tom Preston-Werner
- S01E08: Laura Fitton
- S01E07: Carl Lerche
- S01E06: Lewis Cirne
- S01E05: José Valim
- S01E04: Tom Mornini
- S01E03: Sarah Allen
- S01E02: Tammer Saleh
- S01E01: Dr. Nic Williams