
S01E37: Hal Helms

26 Aug 2011

Hal Helms discusses his Cold Fusion background and his interest in Ruby and Rails.

  • 0:10 Introduction
  • 0:55 Finding ColdFusion
  • 03:05 Finding Ruby on Rails
  • 05:10 Taking on Ruby on Rails as a ColdFusion programmer
  • 07:40 Modern programming practices and changes in agility and velocity
  • 10:33 Blogging about Ruby on Rails
  • 12:00 Using agile in a consulting practice
  • 13:55 Outreach to the ColdFusion community


\"Hal Helms Inc.\":http://halhelms.com/ \"Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl\":http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ \"Ajax\":www.ajax.org \"ColdFusion\":http://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion-family.html