Wesley Beary discusses fog, the cloud and board games
- 01:11 - What fog is
- 01:53 - The libraries that cloud providers have
- 03:37 - Fog primary use case
- 06:05 - Using fog at Engine Yard
- 08:27 - Near and long term future of fog
- 12:05 - What Wesley would like to see before fog hits 1.0
- 14:30 - Fog website
- 17:53 - Best way to contribute to fog
- 20:40 - Board games and Vibram Five Fingers
- 28:34 - Wes's side projects
- 30:37 - Leaving the Bay Area
- 32:01 - Cool swag that you get from contributing to fog
- 34:20 - What it's like to work for Dr.Nic