David Keener discusses use of Ruby in the government space and the RubyNation DC conference.
- 00:00 Introduction
- 00:20 Background
- 00:50 General Dynamics
- 01:35 Government projects leveraging Ruby on Rails
- 03:30 Issues with using Ruby on Rails for Government Projects
- 04:50 Section 508 Compliance
- 05:20 Utilizing HTML5
- 06:50 Why Ruby on Rails for Government Projects?
- 08:15 Balancing Back End and Front End Work
- 10:15 Rails 3.0 and 3.1
- 10:45 Saas vs Scss
- 11:30 Ruby Nation Conference in DC
- 12:40 Advice for Conference Organizers
- 14:15 Challenges of Rails Development on Windows
- 16:15 Using Rails for Facebook Application Development
- 17:30 Eloquent Ruby
- 19:50 Git and GitFlow
- 21:10 Advice for Speakers at Ruby/Tech Conferences
Links: \"General Dynamics Advanced Information Systems\":http://www.gd-ais.com/ \"General Dynamics\":http://www.generaldynamics.com/ \"Section 508\":http://www.section508.gov/ \"Saas\":http://sass-lang.com/ \"Ruby Nation\":http://www.rubynation.org/ \"CoffeeScript\":http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/ \"Eloquent Ruby Review\":http://www.rubyinside.com/a-review-of-eloquent-ruby-by-russ-olsen-it-rocks-4432.html \"Buy Eloquent Ruby\":http://www.amazon.com/Eloquent-Ruby-Addison-Wesley-Professional/dp/0321584104 \"Git\":http://git-scm.com/