- 0:30 Introduction: Chris and Fancy
- 1:27 When to use Fancy
- 2:40 Fancy and Ruby similarities and differences
- 3:50 Chris’ favorite thing about Fancy
- 5:20 Why Fancy is built on top of the Rubinius VM
- 7:44 Other language implementors building on top of the Rubinius VM
- 8:31 Contributing to Fancy
- 9:35 The contribution model for Fancy; areas where contribution is welcomed
- 10:50 Getting started with Fancy
- 11:46 Chris’ interest in distributed computing
- 13:00 Working at Twitter: what Chris does, the technologies uses at Twitter
- 14:36 Batman or Spiderman?
- 14:55 If you were guaranteed not to fail...
Links * Christopher Bertels on \"github\":https://github.com/bakkdoor on \"Twitter\":http://twitter.com/#!/bakkdoor/
Fancy \"Fancy website\":http://www.fancy-lang.org/ \"Fancy on github\":https://github.com/bakkdoor/fancy
\"Alex Suraci on github\":https://github.com/vito
\"Atomy project on github\":https://github.com/vito/atomy
\"Distributed computing\":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributed_computing
\"Rubinius Hack Day (#rbxday)\":http://rubini.us/2011/08/03/rbxday-in-real-life/
\"Storm - distributed and fault tolerant realtime computation\":https://github.com/nathanmarz/storm
\"Twitter Analytics\":https://dev.twitter.com/blog/introducing-twitter-web-analytics