
S01E43: Chris Nelson

07 Oct 2011

  • 2:00 How MVC is shifting from server side to client side
  • 2:53 Backbone.js and CoffeeScript revolutionizing front end development
  • 4:35 Seamlessly structuring client side code with Backbone.js
  • 6:18 The origin of Backbone.js and why it fits naturally with Rails
  • 8:34 How CoffeeScript changed Chris’ approach to front end development
  • 9:00 CoffeeScript as a better syntax for JavaScript
  • 10:00 Where to begin? CoffeeScript for n00bs
  • 11:00 Jasmine: BDD for JavaScript
  • 11:42 Why Jasmine + CoffeeScript = crazy delicious
  • 12:30 The Beautiful Front End Code training course
  • 13:37 How Steve Jobs and the Apple IIe shaped Chris’ introduction to programming
  • 19:15 Chris’ interest in node.js
  • 20:20 Rails 3.1 asset pipeline for managing dependencies in JavaScript
  • 20:40 The npm_assets gem to add npm modules to your Rails asset path

Links * Training: \"Beautiful Front End Code with Backbone and CoffeeScript\":http://training.gaslightsoftware.com/, November 7-8, 2011 in San Francisco, CA * \"Backbone.js\":http://documentcloud.github.com/backbone/ * \"Jeremy Ashkenas of Backbone.js on GitHub\":https://github.com/jashkenas * \"CoffeeScript\":http://jashkenas.github.com/coffee-script/ * \"Jasmine\":http://pivotal.github.com/jasmine/ * \"Screw Unit\":https://github.com/nkallen/screw-unit * \"RubyConf 2011\":http://rubyconf.org/ * \"node.js\":http://nodejs.org/ * \"Rails 3.1 asset pipeline Rails Guide\":http://guides.rubyonrails.org/assetpipeline.html * \"npmassets gem\":https://github.com/gaslight/npm_assets

More about Chris Nelson: * \"Twitter\":http://twitter.com/#!/superchris * \"GitHub\":https://github.com/superchris * \"MysteryCoder blog\":http://mysterycoder.blogspot.com/ * \"Gaslight Software\":http://gaslightsoftware.com/