Our own Michael Brodhead talks to Mike Perham, the maintainer and creator of Sidekiq. Listen in as they talk about Open Source, The Clymb, Motorcycles and Portland.
- 0:30 All about Mike
- 1:00 How Clymb works so snappily, upgrading to Rails 3.2
- 4:00 Sidekiq
- 11:00 Fibers making sense, when to use them
- 13:00 Using threads
- 16:00 Motorcycle racing
- 23:00 Programmers and meetings
- 29:00 SF vs. PDX: lifestyles and tech scenes
Mike Perham on: Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/mperham GitHub: https://github.com/mperham Blog :http://www.mikeperham.com/
Links The Clymb: http://www.theclymb.com/ Sidekiq: http://mperham.github.com/sidekiq/ Sidekiq's Pledgie: http://pledgie.com/campaigns/16623 Dalli: https://github.com/mperham/dalli Girlfriday: https://github.com/mperham/girlfriday