Davey Shafik interviews Lineke Kerckhoffs-Willems and Michelle Sanver about women in tech, being Co-Presidents of PHPWomen, and CodeConnexx.
- 0:10 Introduction
- 0:25 All about Lineke and Michelle
- 2:07 What is PHPWomen's mission?
- 3:21 Get involved with PHPWomen
- 5:30 Inspiring women in the community
- 8:46 Differences between Europe & North America
- 10:00 Future plans for PHPWomen
- 13:25 Check out CodeConnexx
- 18:25 Links, Shout outs, and Goodbyes
About Lineke Twitter: http://twitter.com/the_linie Github: http://github.com/lineke Website: http://www.phpassionate.com/
About Michelle Twitter: http://twitter.com/michellesanver Github: http://github.com/michellesanver Website: http://jippey.com/
Links PHPWomen: http://phpwomen.org/ CodeConnexx 2013: http://codeconnexx.com/
Email: hello@michellesanver.com or info@codeconnexx.com